Microchip PIC 16F84A and 16F628A YouTube Videos
- PIC16F84A-628A Hardware Time Delays
- PIC16F84A-628A Timer Interrupt Delays
- PIC16F84A-628A Pullups and Interrupts
- PIC16F84A-628A Hardware Interrupts Tutorial
- Microchip PIC related videos Oct. 2016:
- How to Use K150 PIC Programmer
- Microchip PIC16F628A Basic H-Bridge Motor Control
- Microchip PIC16F628A Counts BCD on 8 LEDs
- PIC16F84A Operates H-Bridge Motor Control
- Using Velleman K8048 PIC Development Board
Home Built PIC Development Board
PIC16F628 PIC Using Rotary Encoder to Operate Stepper Motor
Using a Serial ADC with PIC16F628
Calculating Pulse-Width Modulation with a PIC
The following videos are on my PIC micro-controller projects in particular the PIC16F628A.
These were developed using MPLAB v8.88.
The first seven projects concentrate on using the PIC16F628 that has the following features:
- 2048 bytes of flash RAM
- 224 bytes of data SRAM
- 16 programmable IO pins
- Three timers two 8-bit and one 16-bit
- Pulse width modulation unit
- Operation to 20 mHz - i use 16 mHz.
- You Tube Videos for this Series
- Home Built PIC Development Board
- PIC16F628 PIC Using Rotary Encoder to Operate Stepper Motor
- Using a Serial ADC with PIC16F628
- Calculating Pulse-Width Modulation with a PIC
- PIC16F84A-628A Hardware Time Delays
- PIC16F84A-628A Timer Interrupt Delays
- PIC16F84A-628A Pullups and Interrupts
- PIC16F84A-628A Hardware Interrupts Tutorial
- Projects using PIC16F628:
- Home Built PIC16F628 Prototyping Board
- Exploring the Microchip PIC in Assembly
- Using a Microchip PIC with TLC548 Serial ADC
- Controlling PIC Pulse Width Modulation with a Serial ADC
- Using TMR0 on a PIC with Interrupts
- External Clock Crystal with PIC16F628 TMR1 Generates Interrupt
- PIC Using Rotary Encoder to Operate Stepper Motor
- PIC16F628 Pulse Width Modulation Controls Brightness of LED
- Another way to Turn On-Off PWM in a PIC
- TLC548 Serial ADC Spec. Sheet
- Programming PIC16F84A-PIC16F628A Interrupts by Example
- PIC16F84A-PIC16F628A Pull Up Resistors with Interrupts
- Programming PIC16F84A-PIC16f628a Timers by Example
- Programming PIC16F84A-PIC16F628A TMR0 Interrupts
- Programming PIC16F84A Software Delay Routines by Example
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If using this material on another site, please provide a link back to my site.