Fig. 1
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Setup PIC16F628A Pulse-Width-Modulation
by Lewis Loflin
Follow @Lewis90068157
Setup for PWM output. Make sure RB3 is 0 (output) in TRISB.
; Calculate PWM values:
; PWM Calculator.
; PR2 = %11111001 'Timer2 Module Period Register - Bank 1
; rest bank 0
; T2CON = %00000101
; P52, Bits 6-3 postscaler, 0000 = 1:1
; Bit 2 TMR2ON, 1 = ON, 0 = OFF
; Bits 1-0 prescaler value 01 = 1:4
; CCPR1L = %0 ' duty cycle 0-255
; CCP1CON = %00001100 'CCP1 control register
; Buts 3-0 CCP mode select, 110x = PWM active high
; Bits 5-4 PWM LSB
; Bits 7-6 unused
BANKSEL 1 ; Bank 1
MOVLW B'11111001'
BANKSEL 0 ; Back Bank 0
MOVLW B'00000101'
MOVLW 0 ; duty cycle
MOVWF CCPR1L ; duty cycle 0-255
MOVLW B'00001100'
Instead of writing 0 value to PWM counters to turn off the output we simply change the IO pin RB3 to input with TRISB bit RB3 in bank 1.
Download the ASM code 16F628A_PWM.asm.
See How I got into Electronics
- Projects using PIC16F628:
- Home Built PIC16F628 Prototyping Board
- Exploring the Microchip PIC in Assembly
- Using a Microchip PIC with TLC548 Serial ADC
- Controlling PIC Pulse Width Modulation with a Serial ADC
- Using TMR0 on a PIC with Interrupts
- External Clock Crystal with PIC16F628 TMR1 Generates Interrupt
- PIC Using Rotary Encoder to Operate Stepper Motor
- PIC16F628 Pulse Width Modulation Controls Brightness of LED
- Another way to Turn On-Off PWM in a PIC
- TLC548 Serial ADC Spec. Sheet
; Filename: 16F628A_PWM.asm
; Uses PIC16F628A
; Date: 13 Nov. 2013
; Author: Lewis Loflin
; Delay routines based on 4 mHz Fosc / 4 = 1uSec.
; LED1 on RB1 blinks 1Hz, PWM LED on RB3 off to bright to off.
; PWM output PORTB, 3
list p=16f628A ; list directive to define processor
#include <> ; processor specific variable definitions
errorlevel -302 ; suppress message 302 from list file
; Internal 4 mHz osc and no ext reset, MCLR pin RA5 is input only.
; Internal RC OSC PCON bit 3 must be set
; 1 = 4mHz, 0 = 38 kHZ
; Use _HS_OSC for a 16 mHz ext crystal.
; Use _XT_OSC for 4 mHz ext crystal. Page 95 in spec sheet.
;-------------------------- counters
;*****[ Data Storage Reg's ]*****
; Assign each reg. from Bank 0 RAM area.
; total 96 bytes from 0x20 - 0x7F
ENDC ; Conclude Bank 0 RAM assignments.
ORG 0x000 ; processor reset vector
goto setup ; go to beginning of program
setup ; init PIC16F628A
; PR2 = %11111001 'Timer2 Module Period Register - Bank 1
; rest bank 0
; T2CON = %00000101
; P52, Bits 6-3 postscaler, 0000 = 1:1
; Bit 2 TMR2ON, 1 = ON, 0 = OFF
; Bits 1-0 prescaler value 01 = 1:4
; CCPR1L = %0 ' duty cycle 0-255
; CCP1CON = %00001100 'CCP1 control register
; Buts 3-0 CCP mode select, 110x = PWM active high
; Bits 5-4 PWM LSB
; Bits 7-6 unused
BANKSEL 1 ; Bank 1
MOVLW B'11111001'
BANKSEL 0 ; Back Bank 0
MOVLW B'00000101'
MOVLW 0 ; duty cycle
MOVWF CCPR1L ; duty cycle 0-255
MOVLW B'00001100'
; Setup TRIS DDR register and PCON register.
BANKSEL OPTION_REG ; Switch to Bank 1.
MOVLW b'111111' ; input
MOVLW B'11110001'
; Setup PCON bit 3,
; 1 = 4mHz, 0 = 48kHz
MOVLW b'00001000'
BANKSEL PORTB ; Switch to Bank 0.
MOVLW 0x07 ; comp off
goto main
; remaining code goes here
; Demo 2
; CCPR1L is 8-bit PWM duty cycle reg. 0-255.
; RB3 is PWM output to LED2 to GRD.
; LED2 on pin RB3 goes from off to bright in steps.
; Clear PWM register CCPR1L, LED2 = OFF
; Flip state of LED1 RB1 with XORWF
; W = 50, call delay Wx10ms = 500mSec.
; 2 loops = 1 Hz. rate on LED1 RB1
; Every loop 20 ADDed to CCPR1L reg.
; LED2 gets brighter
; Every 1Hz 40 is ADDed to PWM CCPR1L
; Check STATUS bit C
; Exit loop if C = 1, C = 0 back aa
; Repeat until STATUS C bit = 1.
clrf CCPR1L
aa movlw 0x02
xorwf PORTB, f
movwf d'50'
call Wx10ms ; LED ON 0.5 sec.
movlw d'20'
addwf CCPR1L, f
btfss STATUS, C ; check carry
goto aa
; CCPR1L is 8-bit PWM duty cycle reg. 0-255.
; RB3 is PWM output to LED2 to GRD.
; LED2 on pin RB3 goes from bright to off in steps.
; PWM register CCPR1L = 255, LED2 on RB3 is bright
; Flip state of LED1 RB1 with XORWF
; W = 50, call delay Wx10ms = 500mSec.
; 2 loops = 1 Hz. rate on LED1 on RB1
; Every loop 20 SUBed from PWM CCPR1L reg.
; LED2 get dimmer
; Every 1Hz 40 is SUBed from PWM CCPR1L
; Check STATUS bit C for borrow
; Exit loop if C = 0, C = 1 back bb
; Repeat until STATUS C bit = 0.
movlw d'255'
movwf CCPR1L
bb movlw 0x02
xorwf PORTB, f
movwf d'50'
call Wx10ms ; LED ON 0.5 sec.
movlw d'20'
subwf CCPR1L, f
btfsc STATUS, C ; check borrow
goto bb
goto main
;************************** ;Delay routine.
; Calculating a 1mSec delay. 4mHz is divided by 4
; At 4mHz / 4 = 1uSec. ; 1uSec. * 1000 = 1 mSec.
; GOTO uses 2 cycles, DECFSZ 1 cycle = 3 cycles or 3uSec.
; 3 * ~80 * 4 = ~ 1000uSec. or 1mSec.
; 4 mhz crystal
movlw d'4'
movwf CNT1
movlw d'80' ; adjust for 500Hz test
movwf CNT2
decfsz CNT2, f
goto $-1 ;
decfsz CNT1, f
goto $-5
movlw d'10'
goto $+2
Wx1ms ; W * 1mSec.
movwf CNT3
call delay1ms
decfsz CNT3, f
goto $-2
Wx10ms ; W * 10mSec.
movwf CNT4
call delay10ms
decfsz CNT4, f
goto $-2
END ; directive 'end of program'
- You Tube Videos for this Series
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- PIC16F628 PIC Using Rotary Encoder to Operate Stepper Motor
- Using a Serial ADC with PIC16F628
- Calculating Pulse-Width Modulation with a PIC
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- Programming PIC16F84A-PIC16f628a Timers by Example
- Programming PIC16F84A-PIC16F628A TMR0 Interrupts
- Programming PIC16F84A Software Delay Routines by Example
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