WiringPi for Raspberry Pi and MAX6675 thermal-couple sensor
March 10, 2015
YouTube video MAX6675 Raspberry Pi Demo.
WiringPi allows one use Arduino type programming with the Raspberry Pi GPIO. Here I'll explore how this is used and how it differs from Arduino.
I'll connect Raspberry Pi to directly read a MAX6675 thermal-couple sensor, create an executable under C, then call the executable from Python.
This come native to the newest version of Raspbian. One must be root to use.
This is written in C and has to be compiled. I suggest using Geany under Linux.
Get it "sudo apt-get install geany-plugins".
WiringPi was developed by Gordon Henderson.
Also see Simple 3-Wire MAX6675 Thermocouple ADC Arduino Interface
For an introduction example to WiringPi and Geany see WiringPi Blink an LED Demo
This consists of two programs. One is a compiled C binary that is called and displayed by a Python program.
The C code is MAX6675.txt
The Python program is max6675Tkinter.txt
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