Basic differentiator RC circuit.
Fig. 1 Basic differentiator RC circuit.

Introduction to RC Differentiator Circuits and Uses

by Lewis Loflin

This is a tutorial on RC differentiator circuit operation. This is simply an RC timing circuit where the capacitor is on the input and the output is taken from the resistor.

I am assuming a 50% duty cycle square wave for input.

Fig. 1 illustrates the circuit in question. A square wave goes HIGH a rush of current (blue) to C through R creates a positive going spike. When C is fully charged the output voltage goes to zero.

When the input square wave goes LOW a rush of current in the opposite direction creating a negative going spike. This also goes back to zero when C fully discharges.

This charge or discharge curve is T = R * C - 5T is fully charged or discharged. If 5T is less than half the period (1/f) of the input C will fully charge-discharge. If 5T is greater than half the period, C will neither fully charge or discharge fully before the next change in logic voltage level.

Capacitor charge curve.
Fig. 2 Capacitor charge curve.

Fig. 2 illustrates a RC charge curve.

SN7414 square wave generator and differentiator circuit.
Fig. 3 SN7414 square wave generator and differentiator circuit.

Fig. 3 illustrates the use of a SN7414 square wave generator using a differentiator circuit to create narrow output pulses at points B and C.

Diode D1 is used to block the negative going pules to TP2.

Simple Schmitt Trigger SN7414 Square Wave Generator
Three Output Pulse Generator Circuit for Digital Circuits

Differentiator duty cycle versus RC value.
Fig. 4 Differentiator duty cycle versus RC value.

In Fig. 4 we observes the output waveform at point B versus the input to the differentiator circuit. The output pulse width and duty cycle is directly related to the value of C and a 10,000 Ohm resistor.

A value of C = 0.1uF produced a 12% duty cycle of 2 milliseconds.

A value of C = 0.01uF produces a very narrow pulse of 200 microseconds.

See Figures 5 and 6 below.

2 millisecond pulse waveform at 12% duty cycle waveform.
Fig. 5 A 2 millisecond pulse waveform at 12% duty cycle waveform.

200 microsecond pulse waveform at 2% duty cycle waveform.
Fig. 6 A 200 microsecond pulse at 2% duty cycle waveform.

The next 4 slides (7 through 10) illustrate the effect of increasing input frequency while C is fixed at 0.1uF and R = 10,000 Ohms. The slides are self explanatory. As the frequency increases C can neither fully charge or discharge. The output is a distorted square wave.

In Fig. 11 C was changed from 0.1uF to 0.01uF and even at 480 Hertz produced clean output spikes.

RC differentiator circuit waveform f = 60Hz C = 0.1uF.
Fig. 7 RC differentiator circuit f = 60Hz C = 0.1uF.

RC differentiator circuit waveform f = 120Hz C = 0.1uF.
Fig. 8 RC differentiator circuit waveform f = 120Hz C = 0.1uF.

RC differentiator circuit waveform f = 240Hz C = 0.1uF.
Fig. 9 RC differentiator circuit waveform f = 240Hz C = 0.1uF.

RC differentiator circuit waveform f = 480Hz C = 0.1uF.
Fig. 10 RC differentiator circuit waveform f = 480Hz C = 0.1uF.

RC differentiator circuit waveform f = 480Hz C = 0.01uF.
Fig. 11 RC differentiator circuit waveform f = 480Hz C = 0.01uF.


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