BOLT Microcontroller LITE with PIC18F2550

PIC18F2550 PIC Controller Interface MAX7219 Display Controller

by Lewis Loflin

YouTube video: MAX7219 display controller with 8X8 LED Matrix

Once again we are using the MAX7219 display controller with the with the BOLT 18F2550 micro controller board. We won't use the built in BCD decode function and will place a moving pattern on a 8X8 LED matrix.

We change only one line in the init_MAX7219() subroutine:

// set decode mode
	ssrOut(0x09); // address
	// ssrOut(0x00); // no decode
	ssrOut(0xFF); // 4-bit BCD decode eight digits

Simply uncomment line 2 and comment line three. the pattern is stored in array1[] and the other routines are the same. See the schematics and other associated information below for more on the electronics.

The speed of the arrow across the matrix is controlled by reading a potentiometer connected RA5 on the 18F2550.

8X8 LED matrix

#include <p18cxxx.h>
#include <delays.h>

#define HIGH 1
#define LOW 0

#define RB5  PORTBbits.RB5  // CS
#define RB6  PORTBbits.RB6  // DATA
#define RB7  PORTBbits.RB7  // CLK
#define delay_us	Delay10TCYx	

// function declarations
void ssrOut(unsigned char);
void pulseCS(void);
void init_MAX7219(void);
void writeMAX7219(char, char);
// ADC functions
void open_adc(void);
int read_adc(void);
void init_PIC18F2550(void);
void delay_ms(int);

extern void _startup( void ); 
// See c018i.c in your C18 compiler dir 
#pragma code _RESET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x000800 
void _reset( void ) 
  _asm goto _startup _endasm 

#pragma code

int i, j, k;

// pattern for 8 X 8 LED matrix
char array1[] = { 
  0x00, 0x00, 0x81, 0x42, 0x24, 0x18, 
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; 

void main()
  //user program
  init_MAX7219(); // 8 char decode off
  k = 0;
  for (j=1; j<9; j++)   {
    writeMAX7219(j+k, array1[j]);
  i = read_adc(); // read pot connected to RA5
  if (i<10) i = 10;
  if (k > 8) k = 0;
  goto loop;

} //end main

// shift data to MAX7219
// RB7 -> CLK, RB6 -> DATA, RB5 -> CS not
void ssrOut(unsigned char val)  {  
  int j;
  for(j=1; j<=8; j++)  {   // shift out MSB first
    unsigned char  temp = val & 0x80; // MSB out first
    if (temp == 0x80) RB6 = HIGH; // RB6 DATA          
    else RB6 = LOW; 
    RB7 = HIGH;
    RB7 = LOW;
    val = val << 1; // shift one place left
  }  // next jvoid pulseCS(void)   {
  RB5 = HIGH;
  RB5 = LOW;

void init_MAX7219(void)   {
  RB5 = LOW; // CS NOT

  // set decode mode
  ssrOut(0x09); // address
  // ssrOut(0x00); // no decode
  // 4-bit BCD decode eight digits

  // set intensity
  ssrOut(0x0D); // 0 - F

  // set scan limit
  ssrOut(0x07); // 8 digits

  // clear MAX7219
  for(i=1; i<=8; i++)   {

  // set for normal operation


void writeMAX7219(char address, char data)   {
  if ((address < 1) || (address > 8)) return;
  ssrOut(address); // valid numbers 1-8

// The analog input channels must have their 
// corresponding TRIS bits selected as an input.
void open_adc(void)   { //INITIALIZE CHANNEL 4
  ADCON0 = 0x11;     // set for CH4, Bit 0 ADON = 1   
  ADCON1 = 0x3F;   // all digital just for setup
  ADCON2 = 0xAE;	// see page 257 spec sheet
  // disable interrupt
  PIR1bits.ADIF = HIGH;
  PIE1bits.ADIE = LOW;

int read_adc(void)   { 
  // on BOLT ADCON1bits.VCFG0 = 1; VREF+ (AN3) and not VCC
  int val;
  // ADCON1bits.ADON = 0 turn off for read
  ADCON0bits.GO = 1;      
  // initiate conversion
  while( ADCON0bits.GO );  
  // wait for LOW - end of conversion
  val = (ADRESH * 256) + ADRESL;   
  // reads/calculates result
  ADCON1=15;	//CHANNEL 4 off
  return val;

//Ports initialised A, B, C
void init_PIC18F2550(void)   {
  ADCON1=0x0F; // disables converters A/D
  TRISB=0; //PORTB are outputs
  PORTB=0; // off LEDS
  //RA4,RA5 are inputs. RA0,RA1,RA2,RA3 outputs
  TRISC=0X0F; 	//RC0,RC1 are inputs (MICROSWITCHES)
  //pull-up resistors on port B (RB4...RB7).

void delay_ms(int i)
  long int j;
    Delay1KTCYx(12); 	//48 MHZ, DELAY OF 1 MS APROX.

See How I got into Electronics

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